“In a post-Game of Thrones universe, HBO is still looking for its next huge hit. Is the answer more Game of Thrones? After initially announcing plans for several spinoffs only to cancel all of them except House of the Dragon, HBO signed a new five-year deal with George R.R. Martin in late March of 2021.” Read more at Inverse. The newest Spanish-language crime thriller on Netflix, Sky High, is a lackluster heist movie not worth your time. Red more at Thrillist. Despite consistent backlash whenever a reboot, remake, spinoff, or sequel to a beloved franchise gets announced, these controversial projects aren’t without merit. “Confession time: I like reboots. I didn’t always like them. Young me saw them as cheap ways to make fast money by depending on fans who grew up with a movie or franchise. But the older I got and the more time I spent analyzing the kind of media we consume, the more I came to the realization that reboots are actually kind of fantastic, when done right, of course—a distinction that is important.” Read more at The Mary Sue. As Godzilla vs. Kong face off on the big screen, some ask themselves the important question: which of the two’s poop would be bigger? Read more at Mental Floss. LG mobile phones are soon to be no more as the company announced the shutdown of its mobile phone business to focus on other avenues. “LG announced that it will close its mobile phone business, still the #3 player by sales in the US. The company will sell down its existing inventory of phones such as the LG Stylo 6, LG Wing and LG Velvet, while continuing to provide support and software updates ‘for a period of time which will vary by region.’” David Duchovny is most famous for playing Fox Mulder on The X-Files, but you shouldn’t be surprise to know that he doesn’t share Mulder’s fondness for wild conspiracy theories. “David Duchovny has had a long and varied career, but his best-known role will likely always be the one that made him famous: Fox Mulder on The X-Files. But the actor is quick to point out that there’s one big trait that he and his signature character do not have in common: the belief in bonkers conspiracy theories.”