For even as other streaming services toil away on a bottomless pit of original programming and films, Prime is often more likely to offer up fifty new VHS rips from the archives, or twenty low budget horror movies you’ve never even heard of – and if you haven’t yet stumbled across its collection of old public service films, holy mackerel are you in for a treat.

New TV

Tales From the Loop – 3rd AprilFuture Man (Season 3) – 3rd April

New Movies

The Current War – 1st AprilHustlers – 3rd AprilAngel Has Fallen – 4th AprilSelah and the Spades – 17th April21 Bridges – 22nd April

Box Sets

South Park (Season 22)

Movies To Buy

The Lion KingFast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & ShawThe Angry Birds Movie