For example 001111, this is a binary number. It is also known as a ‘base 2’ system. These codes are performed in the processors present in all of our computer systems. The binary number system is an internal language of the computer. All types of data that we want our computers to process are converted into this binary code. As you know, binary numbers are not human-readable and understandable. To understand these codes, we need to convert them to plain text format. For this purpose, there are a large number of tools available. These convert the binary codes to ASCII text so that you can read and understand them. These conversions are mostly needed for developers and programmers. They may need to convert binary to text for cross-browser testing. Binary Text converters make this task quickest and easiest. So, let’s explore some good conversion tools.


RapidTables is an online binary-to-text converter tool that lets you convert binary ASCII code into text. You need to input the binary code in the provided space. You also need to choose the character encoding type, and it will showcase the result immediately. This tool lets you carry out all types of number system conversions. For instance, you can convert binary to text, binary to octal, binary to hexadecimal, binary to decimal, or vice versa.

Code Beautify

Code Beautify offers an effective online binary-to-text conversion tool that quickly decodes your binary data into text format. This tool allows you to input the binary code by entering a binary URL. This URL helps in loading binary code and then translates to string. Besides this, it also provides the facility to upload a binary file and convert the whole file into text format. It can work effectively with Windows, Linux, MAC, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari.


Prepostseo’s binary translator is a binary-to-text code converter that helps in converting binary code to readable text. Whether you want to convert binary for printing or reading purposes, it can do the job perfectly for you. This tool can work as quickly as you press the convert button. It is an online tool and completely free to use.


This binary-to-text converter DNSChecker helps you convert your binary-coded language to readable English text or ASCII. The resultant can be used for printing, reading, or anything. For carrying out a conversion, first, select the format in which you want your binary code to convert. Then you just need to paste the binary code into the text box provided. Press the Convert button, and it will instantly show you the conversion. It also lets you save the converted text to your device. Also, once the conversion is over, you can check the binary as well as text files.

Binary To Text

This Binary To Text online tool can convert any binary code into text instantly. It can make text-to-binary conversions with equal effectiveness. You just need to enter the binary code into the text box and click on the Binary to Text button. If you want to convert text to binary, you need to press the Text to Binary button. It also has a separate section for other binary translations. In this, you can add binary code, and it will convert that code to decimal, octal, and hexadecimal simultaneously.

Binary Translator

This is ASHBOX’s Binary Translator that you can use confidently for your binary-to-text conversions. It is quite simple to use. You just need to paste the binary code into the space provided. Then select the option “binary to text” from the drop-down list and click “copy.” It will instantly provide you with the result in the other box. Using this tool, you can carry out all types of conversions without any cost.

Top Online Tool

Top Online Tool presents a free binary-to-text converter tool that helps you in binary to ASCII text conversions. Just enter the binary data in the box and click on the convert button. If you want to use this tool repeatedly for different sets of code, you can click the Reset button. Press it after converting each code set, and all the previous entries will get removed.


Browserling is one of the simplest binary-to-text convert tools that work online. This is an ideal tool for developers and programmers to convert your binary code into text. You just need to paste your binary code into the box, and it will convert the binary into plain text. Whether you want to use it for cross-browser testing or anything, it can work wonderfully for you.


Cryptii is another great binary decoder that offers binary-to-text translation services online. By pasting the binary code in the box, you can immediately find the text translations. You can also group the binary code according to the number of bits or bytes, such as 4 bits, 8 bits, 2 bytes, 3 bytes, and more.

BinaryHex Converter

You can also use the BinaryHex converter to carry out binary to ASCII text translations. Just type or paste the binary value in the box and click on Convert. It will showcase the conversion immediately. You can also swap its conversions from binary to text to text to binary.

Online Text Tools

Online Text Tools offers a simple binary-to-text conversion tool that performs conversions online. You can paste binary text to the text box or import the file containing binary code. It will instantly show the conversion as soon as you enter the text. You can save the converted text into a file and store it on your device.


If you are in need of cross-browser testing or any kind of binary-to-text conversions, these tools can work efficiently. These offer you the quickest way to achieve the desired translations. You may also want to explore the best online virus scanners for files.

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